On Border Force
Meredith Williams writes: Re.”Crikey Worm: Border Force face protest after refugee raid” (Monday)
Is there no authority in the country that can bring this kind of outrage towards refugees to an end, no tribunal with the power to call its perpetrators to account? My heart aches and my lungs gasp for justice for the victims of atrocities such as this, and I pity the poor officers who must carry out these fascist orders. What kind of dystopia are we living in? Wake up Australia!
On Julie Bishop
Brian Crooks writes: Re. “The fall of Julie Bishop?” (Monday)
Does this mean that all Bishop’s grovelling and cleaning of butchers knives and being the loyal deputy dawg for several PMs was all for nothing? She should have been a staffer, the promotion for loyalty and service is much more rewarding and financially more beneficial.
Brian Crooks Re Julie Bishop: Have you forgotten the criteria? Mr Abbott made clear, and Mr Turnbull hasn’t contradicted him as far as I know, that promotions in the Government are determined on merit. So the absence of women in senior ministries and the decision to appoint Mathias Cormann in the acting rôle were apparently on merit. No vibble vobble there.
Meredith Williams writes: Re.”Crikey Worm: Border Force — meredith, I am so also shocked by the years and years of this outrage. I live in Europe now, having seen what has happened here over the last 2-3 years, and how australia has treated asylum seekers over the same period, I feel ashamed to be australian.