On Facebook and data-mining
Re. “Razer: if Zuckerberg paid me for my private data, I’d hand it over in a second” (Thursday)
Richard Barlow writes:
I am not a fan of Facebook but it is an application you can choose to use, or not, it is free for most people, and when you sign up they tell you what they do with your data. Some people even make money on Facebook selling or advertising their stuff. Hardly the end of days.
And Stu Pidman writes:
How would you value your data, Helen? That’s the tricky bit: Facebook and the other internet creepoids will offer peanuts individually. So glad I don’t use social media, even though I’m an app developer. I’ve never embedded snooping code in my apps, but it would be easy.
It’s not yet compulsory to use unsocialmeeja.
Is it?