Sydney Morning Herald: Labor leader Kevin Rudd described John Howard’s WorkChoices laws as an attack on the Australian value of “the fair go” and evidence that the Coalition had lost touch with the nation’s working families.

The Australian: Kevin Rudd has undercut John Howard, pledging promises worth a quarter of the PM’s on Monday to reduce the pressure for rates hikes. The Labor Party’s launch began in Brisbane with a show of support by former prime ministers – and the worm. Kevin Rudd has unveiled beefed-up policies on education and climate change at Labor’s official federal election campaign launch today, while also presenting John Howard as being past his use-by date.

NineMSN: Federal Labor embraced its past as it paid tribute to former prime ministers Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Paul Keating at its official launch in Brisbane.

Sky News: Education was the centrepiece of the Labor party campaign launch, with Kevin Rudd announcing a plan to fund 450,000 training places over the next four years, if elected.