Josh Frydenberg coal NEG

The new energy policy hinted-at by Scott Morrison — one that would likely provide subsidies for coal power stations — stirred up some fire in readers yesterday, who saw it as business as usual for the Coalition. Meanwhile, Channel Seven’s stirring up of support for Pualine Hanson caught some flak.

On the government’s energy plans

poselequestion writes: The only hope is for the crossbench to wake up and bring this whole china cart down. The LNP is already stacking the public service on long contracts that will continue when they are obliterated. The power station contracts are in the same vein. Denis Napthine pulled the same stunt in Victoria which lead to large payouts for nothing.

Rumtytum writes: I’ve asked this question many times already, but it’s worth asking again: Can anyone think of a reason other than corruption for this government’s desperate attempts to favour coal in our energy generation? Who’s getting the money, where is it being stashed, where are the journalists who might be able to answer these questions? To imagine that politicians could sincerely believe that coal is the answer to anything that doesn’t come in large denomination banknotes in brown paper bags is to believe in fairies.

Hunt, Ian writes: The Coalition should try to serve out its time without walking on its knuckles. Perhaps it should reflect that subsidising loans is not going to have any effect on businesses that can see where the future lies

The Curmudgeon writes: Some of us are old enough to remember the Liberal opposition’s hysterical (and successful) campaign against the Whitlam government’s referendum to give the Commonwealth power over prices and incomes in 1973. Billy Snedden must be turning in his urn.

Nap writes: Nothing really new here. The Liberals and Nationals have always privatised profits and socialised losses. It’s in their DNA.

On Seven’s promotion of Pauline Hanson 

Deeman writes: So how exactly does this “anti white racism” manifest itself? Almost every corporate board, both sides of politics and the leading elite schools are dominated by white anglos, predominantly male. Can we please see some evidence that these bastions of privilege are in any way undermined or attacked by anti white racism. Hanson is gobsmackingly ignorant but Channel Seven are culpable in giving her a platform to pedal this tripe.

Klewso writes: Let’s face it, the more they do to promote (normalise and legitimise) this sort of thinking, the more they get to “report” it’s manifestations — as if they had nothing to do with it?

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