climate change reporting
(Image: Unsplash/Annie Spratt)

Last week showed that there is a divide between conservatives when it comes to the topic of religious freedom, there are problems with the way the media reports climate change, there are fundamental issues with a “towards zero” suicide strategy, and nuclear weapons are something we are going to need to talk about more and more. Crikey readers share their thoughts. 

On how the media reports climate change

Roger Clifton writes: We have demonstrated our tendency to treat climate change as an issue that we can endlessly delay, as the tides of change sneak up too slowly on us to raise alarm. In that light, it is reassuring that uncertainty can provide a newsworthy story. Each unexpected disaster can thrill or horrify, so we can expect an endless floorshow as we sip our cups of tea in our Restaurant at the End of the World. Perhaps the youngsters can do better, marching in the streets and demanding action before this or that disaster is upon us. More tea, anyone?

On the problems with a ‘towards zero’ suicide prevention strategy

Peter Schulz writes: It’s hard to know whether Morrison has lived in the make-believe world of the ad-man for so long that he is totally clueless about the real world, or whether he’s a cold, calculating bastard who knows exactly what he’s doing by throwing a dead cat on the table. And of course the suicide rate has everything to do with the nature of our society.

Before too long, neoliberalism will have succeeded in destroying the fact and concept of “society” — as Margaret Thatcher said, “There is no such thing as society” — just a collection of individual, competing economic units. And tough titty if the economy has no use for your particular economic unit.

On religious freedom

Simon Mansfield writes: The new religious right is way out on a limb when it comes to traditional Christian doctrine. Moreover, it’s they who have decided to use religion for political purposes so it’s open season on taking them on, over their whole bullshit doctrine of prosperity — where to be poor is to sin and therefore it’s all your own fault.

The Australian media won’t go near any of this as it’s way to complicated for them to research and explain why these people are dangerous heretics who should be driven out of the public square before they do any more damage to our liberal democratic civilization.

On Australia and nuclear weapons

Frank Povah writes: Australia should steer well clear of any sort of nuclear program — either for power generation or for weapons.

We already have politicians and their cronies beating their hairy chests — metaphorical or otherwise — in anticipation of becoming a more prominent player in the big boys arm dealers’ club, and seemingly unaware of the consequences. The thought of a Dutton with his finger on any sort of button — let alone one of the nuclear launch variety — does not bear thinking about.

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For anyone seeking help, Lifeline is on 13 11 14 and Beyond Blue is 1300 22 4636. Headspace and ReachOut have useful mental health resources for young people.