pollie pay rises
(Image: AAP/Joel Carrett)


Scott Morrison will push for a “technology investment target” at this year’s Glasgow UN summit in an attempt to avoid agreeing to net-zero emissions by 2050, according to The Australian ($).

Following similar rhetoric by moderate Liberals, detailed by The Guardian, and pushback on the net-zero target from the Nats, Morrison’s plan coincides with a scoping study by the now-renewables-friendly Business Council of Australia. The study claims the 2050 target requires at least $22 billion of annual investment in technology and a doubling of renewable capacity by 2040.

TALKING POINT: Since Australia’s 2020 Renewable Energy Target lapsed last year, investment in clean-energy projects has tanked.


Almost all Australian publications are today mourning the death of Holden, with the ABC publishing the response from heartland SA and a retrospective of iconic models; The Sydney Morning Herald creating a visual retrospective of Holden’s 164-year story; AAP reporting a redundancy limbo for Australian dealerships; and The New Daily detailing political responses ranging from anger and sadness to accusations of hypocrisy (see: Joe Hockey’s 2014 taunts).

FUN FACT: General Motor’s collapse means naming rights to the NRL’s State of Origin are for sale, The Daily Telegraph ($) reports.


Both Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have called on Russia to stop backing Syrian “atrocities”, after strategic gains by Bashar al-Assad‘s coalition forces escalated on Sunday, killing dozens in the key Idlib region and turning hundreds of thousands of civilians towards frozen stretches of Turkey.

Al Jazeera reports the White House announcement came hours after Syrian regime forces consolidated their control over Aleppo and intensified their assault on Idlib — where 13 Turkish soldiers have been killed, despite their observation posts forming a 2018 Turkey-Russia agreement.

As The Guardian reports, the assault has left refugees stranded with little food or shelter in sub-zero temperatures on the route from Syria to Turkey.



The first group of Australian evacuees left Christmas Island yesterday, with the ABC reporting some immediately expressed relief and gratitude to be home after 14 days of mandatory quarantine.

TALKING POINT: While the Biloela family yesterday succeeded in a request for discovery of “over-enthusiastic” redacted government documents, The Guardian reports, they are yet to escape their months-long mandatory detention on Christmas Island.


Who are we going to buy carbon emissions from if all other countries have stopped emitting too? We can’t buy carbon credits from Mars.

Matt Canavan

Arguing against a net-zero-by-2050 target in The Australian ($), the former resources minister twists logic so much he almost ends up advocating for emissions reduction.


Gaetjens’ shoddy arguments do little to help his credibility — or the government

“Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet secretary Phil Gaetjens’ attempt to protect the government from the sports rorts scandal bears all the characteristics of the longtime political staffer he is, not the public servant he is paid to be.”

As the press gallery ate up Shearer Scotty, down the road taxpayers were being fleeced

“When the news of JFK’s assassination hit the world in 1963, the media race to grab the shiniest news baubles was all-consuming. Back then, as now, most journalists covered the major parts of the story staring them in the face. Because, why not?”

The government doesn’t actually like government. Here’s the proof

“On Christmas Eve last year, Barnaby Joyce, ruddy-faced and in the company of cows, found it an appropriate time to make a contribution to national debate. His brief video, posted to social media, had two themes.”


Employers could be forced to name and shame themselves over wage theft

‘Energy laws have let us down’: Victoria pulls the plug

China to postpone annual congress amid coronavirus fears

Toll cyber hack puts pressure on government ($)

Coles in legal battle over claims of predatory pricing on cigarettes

Asia aid slashed in shift to Pacific ($)

Growing push for Sydney’s second medically supervised injecting room

Australia urged to pass Magnitsky human rights law or risk becoming haven for dirty money

Indonesian minister blames ‘budget efficiency’ for low coronavirus test rate

Labor MPs deliver warning on coal to Anthony Albanese ($)


I don’t want my rights shackled to appeasing conservativesStan Grant (The Sydney Morning Herald): “I have been thinking a lot about my dad this past week. He’s a Wiradjuri man, he lives on Wiradjuri country, he speaks Wiradjuri language. He is a man who lives his sovereignty.”

We said goodbye to Holden three years ago. But we’ll keep the spirit alive ($) — Cara Jenkin (The Advertiser): “Holden drivers could sense the garage door was being pulled down on the ‘Red Lion’ about two months ago when the company announced it was no longer selling sedans in the local market.”

Three scenarios for the battle for IdlibMarwan Kabalan (Al Jazeera):Turkey fears that Russia’s ultimate objective is to besiege the armed opposition and cut its main supply routes from Turkish territory – a development which it desperately wants to avoid.”


The Latest Headlines



  • The Federal Court will hear the s44 allegation against Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

  • Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action will protest at Victoria’s Parliament House, calling on the state government to commit to an interim emissions reduction target.

  • Kurdish-Iranian journalist and former Manus Island detainee Behrouz Boochani will speak at Alfred Deakin’s policy forum “Australia’s Refugee Policies in the Asia Pacific”.


  • The disability royal commission will hold a hearing on the provision of health care to people with a cognitive disability.

  • Assistant Defence Minister Alex Hawke will announce the Australian team for the 2020 Invictus Games.


  • Day one of the two-day Australasian AID Conference at ANU.


  • South Australian MLC Ian Hunter will host a Rainbow Labor SA forum on the Morrison government’s draft Religious Discrimination Bill.


  • Day one of the Indigenous Carbon Industry Network’s two-day “North Australia Savanna Fire Forum”.