Need the lowdown on the Democratic National Convention? Crikey has pulled together some of the best commentary and profiles of the principal speakers at the DNC in Denver, Colorado.

DAY TWO — Wednesday 26 August 2008 — “Renewing America’s Promise”


She’s one of the most recognised women in the world, the first First Lady to be elected to the Senate and the first woman to run for president of the USA. But who is Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Hillary Clinton. One of America’s most popular politicians and the single most controversial figure in modern American politics. Deeply despised by most conservatives as a representative of feckless liberalism, she is hotly debated among more liberal-leaning groups as well. — The Orlando Report

United States Senate. Sen. Clinton was elected to the Senate in 2000 and reelected in 2006 after serving as First Lady during her husband’s two terms as President and 12 years as Arkansas governor. She was an ’08 candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. — US Liberals

Profile: Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Rodham Clinton developed an iron exterior which has served her so well in the political and personal storms through which she and her husband have travelled. — BBC

Hillary Rodham Clinton. Even before her historic run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton had set precedent by becoming the first presidential spouse elected to the U.S. Senate. — Council on Foreign Relations

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s facebook page. 

What she said at the last DNC. HILLARY CLINTON @ DNC: “I’ll End This War” — You Tube

Hillary Clinton Has a Sexy Mouth. I once asked a man whether he could ever bring himself to cast a vote for Hillary Clinton, only to hear him say, “Are you kidding? Not with that ass.” Since then, I have heard so many variations of this stock answer — from “She has thick ankles” to “She couldn’t satisfy Bill, so how’s she gonna satisfy me?” — that I’ve come to realize that instead of asking, “Would you vote for Hillary Clinton?” I may as well be asking, “Would you do Hillary Clinton?” — Esquire