In my Liberal Party days, John Brogden and I were too close politically to be close personally – jostling for the same space.
Still, it is sad to see him have to resign. While his fellow NSW
moderate Joe Hockey was the first of our generation to become a
minister, Brogden was the first to lead a party. It says much about his

The obvious “too much too young” question was asked at Brogden’s
resignation press conference today. He answered that he believed in
seizing opportunities as they presented themselves.

He was right. While Brogden was precocious, he grew well in the role of
opposition leader in the premier state. It was impressive to see how
Brogden handled himself at the Liberal Party’s federal council,
speaking as the senior Liberal leader after John Howard and offering
ideas on federal-state relations.

It has been personally devastating for Brogden that he did not conduct
himself in the same way at the AHA function. It will also be
factionally devastating. Brogden’s resignation must be the death knell
of The Group, the NSW Liberal moderate faction.

Today is a major victory for the Liberals’ ugly right.