Yesterday we asked Crikey readers to name Brendan’s banner and the Crikey army responded magnificently. Yesterday afternoon and overnight we received a torrent of very witty suggestions — too many to recall here. So our banner taskforce put together a shortlist of notable entries:

  • “Honk for Cheesy-mite” — Buzz
  • “$99 for a full head of foils” — Francisca Hoffmann
  • “Will work for food” — Lachlan Ridge
  • “Windscreens $1” — Lachlan Ridge
  • “Need 2 x Grand Final tickets” — Rodney Spottiswood
  • “I just farted” — Ignaz Amrein

However, there were a few, for us, that stood out:

Aron Paul, “Honk if you remember me”:

Toni Leemen, “FREE HUGS”:

Andrew Jones, “Want Longer Sex Now” in the same typeface and colours as the billboard ads that consenting adults are no longer allowed to see!:

Ben Perez, “I’m Emo and I vote”:

Jane Shaw, “FREE ROBOT SEX”:

A special mention to Simon Perry (aka Pezz) and his batman entry:

But … there can only ever be one winner. And the winning entry (and the recipient of a signed copy of yesterday’s First Dog on the Moon cartoon) goes to the delicious Mr Pastry and his “Chicken Parma with $2 pokie tokens $10” banner: