Community groups opposed to CSG

Lock the Gate Alliance

Group description: The Lock the Gate Alliance is a nationwide association of community, industry and environmental groups.  One hundred and thirty seven groups are currently registered with Lock the Gate. They were originally based in Broke, NSW but as the alliance has grown they now represent anti-CSG groups nationwide.

Philosophy: “Don’t negotiate with CSG companies. Don’t sign anything. Seek legal advice. Lock the gate!”   — A Lock the Gate Alliance slogan

Western Downs Alliance (WDA)

Group description: The WDA is based in the Darling Downs area. They are an organization that assists the diverse range of communities that are affected by the mining industry. They are a voice for land owners in the area who do not want the gas, oil and coal reserves on their land to be exploited by the QLD State Government and departments and mining companies.

“Those people who are willing to stand there ground and oppose the Queensland Governments attempt to sell our land out from under us will find that they are not alone. We can stop the miners from destroying our homes, businesses and environment, indeed we must stop them.” — A statement from the WDA website

Philosophy: “The right to have clean air. The right to have clean water. The right to lead our lifestyle free from interference. Recognition of freehold [fee simple] land to its full interpretation. To raise awareness about the dangers of hydraulic fracturing to our environment and human health. To expose gas and oil companies who use unsafe and exploitative methods in their operations. To hold our democratically elected representatives accountable for their actions in dealing with gas and oil companies.”

Save our Darling Downs (SODD)

Group description: The SODD was formed in the response to the rapid expansion of CSG in the agricultural areas in the Darling Downs. They aim to promote environmental sustainability in the area and are a proud supported of the Basin Sustainability Association Alliance (BSA).

Philosophy: “Save Our Darling Downs (SODD) is a group of like minded individuals trying to promote environmental sustainability within our local region.  We also support those individuals within our local region who are negatively affected by resource companies willing to jeopardize that environmental sustainability.” — a statement from the SODD website

Basin Sustainability Alliance (BSA)

Group description:  BSA was established in early 2010 to represent landholder, community groups and individuals with serious concerns about the unrestrained development of the coal seam gas industry across Queensland and the associated environmental, health and social impacts.

Philosophy/Objectives: The objectives of the association are –

  1. To provide a conduit between stakeholders
  2. To encourage and promote the fair and proper legislative and administrative processes
  3. To work towards the sustainable management of rural land and water resources
  4. To protect and/or enhance the entitlement to existing quantities and qualities of water
  5. To protect the Murray Darling Basin
  6. To protect and enhance the natural environment
  7. To work with government bodies and representatives
  8. To work with government to ensure appropriate legislation
  9. To promote corporate best practice
  10. To develop and promote fair and reasonable compensation
  11. To inform and educate Australians of the natural resources
  12. To preserve the rural lifestyle

Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic

Group description: A volunteer, community run organisation who aim to show the Beaudesert Magistrate the level of concern about CSG. Farmers in the Kerry Valley region have joined arms in protest at the drilling wearing Akubra hats and carrying yellow triangle signs stating, “No coal mines, coal seam gas, sag pipelines, LOCK the GATE.”

Philosophy: “We must not be complacent about coal mining in the Scenic Rim – there is NO difference between our area and others close by where this is already happening.” — a statement on the Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic website.

Great Artesian Basin Protection Group (GABPG)

Group description: The GABPG aims to protect the Great Australian Basin (GAB) which provides the only reliable source of fresh water throughout much of inland Australia. The aim to stop the enormous water usage by the mining and CSG industries, which is damaging the already stressed GAB.

Philosophy: “The GABPG is determined to save this priceless and finite resource for future generations of Australians, before it is too late.” — A quote from the GABPG website.